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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Project: Dove in draws

The Dove in Draws project is a temporary artistic action expected to occur at ground zero of the the downtown of the city of Sao Paulo - Sé, Marco Zero - on May 30, 2010, with the placement of temporary metal gutter pieces painted in red around this landmark, which serves as a feeder to the many doves that inhabit the place to form another drawing. This project aims to establish also a "virtual" connection through zero landmarks of several cities that have the presence of doves, whose action / demarcation in each place becomes a point.

Date: 30/05/2010
Situ: Praça da Sé, São Paulo, Brazil

Project Dove in Draws - Process

It was quite difficult do find some place to make the hexagon's steel gutter pieces here in São Paulo. Finally, we found a good place that could make the right angles. After this kind of journey, we could finally start the painting step. We confess that when we visualize steel gutters on the floor, we were a bit surprised by their "real" dimensions, because until now we were only with the graphic design project. We were quite excited about the outcome of the first base gutter painting. The next step is the red painting.

Hexagon - modular pieces

Hexagon - Stage A painting